

Mandibular Defects- Etiology, Classifications

Mandibular defects include only bony defects of the mandible after surgical excision of benign...

Prof. Fu-Chan Wei- Inspiration Videos [Reconstructive Microsurgery]

The wizard, the pioneer, the master-of-masters, Dr. Fu-Chan Wei from Microsurgery Center at Chang...

Flap Physiology

A pedicled skin flap is a piece of tissue transferred from the donor site...

Median–Ulnar nerve Connections

The Median and Ulnar nerves don't give any branches in the arm. In the...

What is Plastic Surgery?

Honestly, what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the...

Nail Anatomy

The 'nail anatomy' is simple but very important to understand for very Plastic and...

Thenar muscles- Surgical Anatomy

The most characteristic feature of the human hand is the comparatively 'longer and opposable...

Welcome to PlaRecon!

Hi! PlaRecon extends a warm welcome to all Plastic Surgery residents, young Plastic Surgery colleagues...

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