Brachial plexus anatomy is one of the most volatile areas dreaded by students, but it needn’t be so. Understanding the fascinating structural and functional anatomy of the brachial plexus gives us a clear understanding of the sensory-motor innervation of the entire upper limb and shoulder girdle. We have attempted to demystify the Brachial plexus anatomy using a 2-parts video tutorial with lots of useful Mnemonics.
Brachial plexus is a network of nerves that originates from the ventral rami of C5-T1 spinal nerves, extends from the neck to the axilla and provides the ipsilateral shoulder and upper limb —
- motor innervation (except the Trapezius– by accessory spinal N.),
- sensory innervation (except the upper medial arm– by intercostobrachial N.- T2), and
- autonomic innervation (vasomotor, pilomotor, sudomotor/secretomotor).
Brachial Plexus Anatomy tutorial: PART-1 (Basics)
In this tutorial we discuss the following topics (Timestamp):
- 00:00 Introduction
- 00:19 Draw in 10 seconds
- 01:03 5 parts (Mnemonics)
- 01:36 Formation & Components
- 04:30 11 Side Branches
- 05:51 (Clinical) Classifications
- 07:15 Origin (Pre/post-ganglionic)
- 10:34 Myotomes, Dermatomes- mapping
- 12:53 Definition of Brachial plexus
- 13:31 Summary
Brachial Plexus Anatomy tutorial: PART-2 (Advanced)
This 2nd part of the tutorial deals with the relations of each part of the brachial plexus + the nerve roots and supply of all its branches in depth. The list of topics (timestamp) discussed in this tutorial are:
- 00:00 Introduction
- 00:27 Part-1 Recap
- 00:45 Roots- Relations
- 02:08 Roots- Side branches
- 02:52 Trunks- Relations, Topographical anatomy
- 03:24 Trunks- Side branches
- 04:19 Divisions- Clinical relevance
- 05:04 Cord- Relations
- 05:26 Lateral & Medial Cords- Side branches
- 06:36 Posterior Cord- Side branches
- 07:34 5 Terminal Branches
- 08:05 Musculocutaneous, Median, Ulnar nerves (+ Topographical anatomy)
- 12:40 Axillary, Radial nerves (+ Topographical anatomy)
- 14:32 Summary
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