A to Z Flaps webinar: Flaps from the Groin region
Upcoming webinar: Flaps from the Groin region
A to Z Flaps webinar series is being conducted by the Institute of Plastic Surgery, Gleneagles Global Hospital, Chennai and Dept. of Hand Surgery, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai on the second Saturday every month from January 2021.
Past webinars:
Recordings of the last few webinars.
- A To Z Of Gracilis Flap
- Surgical anatomy and Video of harvest- Dr Sanjai RamKumar
- Anal sphincter reconstruction- Dr Jiten Kulkarni
- Penile Reconstruction- Dr Sinnika Souminen
- Resurfacing of defects in Lower Extremities- Dr Skandana ShyamSundar
- Free Functionaing Muscle Transfer- Dr Vimalendu Brajesh
- A to Z of Subscapular-Thoracodorsal System Flaps
- Surgical Anatomy: Subscapular Angiosome- Dr Leena Jain
- LD Flap Harvest: Conventional & Endoscopic- Dr Hardeep Singh
- TDAP Flap Harvest- Dr Goohyun Mun
- Scapula Bone Flap & Chimerism- Dr Dushyant Jaiswal
- Flaps from Subscapular Angiosome- Harvest in Supine Position- Dr Frederic Kolb (US)
- A to Z of Radial Forearm Flap
- Surgical Anatomy- Dr Saumya Mathews
- Flap Harvest Video- Dr Selva Seetharaman
- Primary Closure of Donor Site- Dr Mohit Sharma
- Pedicled Radial Forearm Flap- Dr Purushothaman
- Flap design & Application in Tongue, Face, Nose, Lip Reconstruction- Dr J W Choi (South Korea)
- Flap Design for Penile Reconstruction- Dr Mohit Sharma
- A To Z Of Perforator Flaps
- Perforator flaps: Concepts and Biogeometry- Dr R Sridhar
- Perforator flaps in Face and Upper Limb- Dr Nikhil Panse
- Perforator flaps in Breast- Dr BC Ashok
- Perforator flaps in Trunk- Dr Quazi Ahmad
- Perforator flaps in Perineum- Dr Niri S Niranjan (UK)
- Perforator flaps in Lower Limb- Dr TC Teo (UK)
- A to Z of Free Fibular flap
- Surgical Anatomy and Pre-operative Assessment- Dr Prashanth Puranik
- Fibula flap Harvest- Dr Selva SeethaRaman
- Fibular osteotomy for Maxillo-Mandible Reconstruction- Dr Prabha Yadav
- Application of CAD-CAM in Fibula Contouring and Osseointegration- Dr Sanjay Mahendru
- Fibula for Extremity Reconstruction- Dr Hari Venkatramani
- Fibula for Uncommon Defects- Dr Pedro Cavadas
- A To Z of Microsurgical Anastomosis
- Microvascular Surgery overview- Dr S Raja Sabapathy
- End to End anastomosis- Dr Janarthanan
- End to side anastomosis- Dr Rajendra Dhondge
- Coupler anastomosis- Dr Venkata Ramakrishnan
- Anastomosis of unequal sized vessels- Dr Vinay Kant Shankhdhar
- Handling of vessel grafts- Dr Samir Kumta
- Understanding microvascular thrombosis- Dr Charudatta Chaudhari
- A to Z of Anterolateral Thigh (ALT) flap
- Anatomical basis of ALT perforator flaps- Dr Antony Arvind
- Surgical techniques of septo-cutaneous and musculo-cutaneous perforator dissection and harvest- Dr Raghuvir Solanki
- Harnessing the chimeric potential of LCFA axis- Dr Sathish Kumar
- Adipofascial ALT- Wonders without skin- Dr Senthil Kumar
- Proximally-based pedicled ALT- Dr Selva Seetha Raman
- Distally-based pedicled ALT- Dr Nikhil Panse
- Pre-fabricated ALT flap and optimizing the donor site- Dr Aditya Aggarwal
- Panel discussion: Consensus and controversies- Dr Dushyant Jaiswal

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